

A healthy life involves more than just a salad for lunch every once in a while. In addition to eating healthy – being active, drinking water and avoiding tobacco are important actions that work together and make you feel better, move easier and stronger. So try a few of these ideas today!

1. How to Start Eating Healthier

Foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins and low fat dairy are filled with healthy nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats and vitamins and minerals. So include more of these foods into your everyday meals. Be sure to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies. You can learn more about the five food groups here. To get started today, try these simple nutrition tips:

  • Make a habit of adding fruit to your morning oatmeal, ready-to-eat cereal, yogurt or toaster waffle.
  • Have a piece of fruit instead of a glass of juice.
  • Try yogurt or fruit instead of sugary desserts. Be sure your yogurt has less than 8g of sugar.
  • Choose whole grain bread, pasta and tortillas.
  • Sneak veggies into favorite meals.
  • Give these easy, healthy recipes a try.
  • Swap ingredients, like mashed avocado instead of mayo.
  • Choose grilled chicken instead of fried chicken.

2. How to Start Getting Active

When you eat food, you consume calories. Our bodies store and “burn” these calories when we work, play and even sleep. When you consume extra calories and aren’t physically active, you don’t “burn off” these calories. That creates an unevenness in your body that can lead to weight gain, obesity and other chronic diseases. Learn more about physical activity and what it does for our bodies here.

Finding motivation to get moving can make a world of difference for your health. With these 10 tips, you can get motivated and get moving today.


3. How to Start Drinking More Water

Beverages like soda, sports drinks, energy drinks and juice boxes are packed with sugar, and they’ve been linked to numerous health problems. Avoid drinks like these as often as you can. Instead, choose water — which has zero sugar and tons of health benefits.

To include more water into your day, try these tips:

  • Drink a glass of water every morning after you wake up.
  • Take a water bottle with you to work every day.
  • Place ready-to-go containers of cold water in the fridge.
  • Liven up your water by infusing it with fruits, veggies and herbs
  • When dining out, order water with your meal. It’s typically free.

4. How to Live Tobacco Free

Along with nutrition and physical activity, being tobacco free is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. From reduced risk of cancer and chronic diseases to cleaner teeth and lower medical bills, the benefits of being tobacco free are endless.

Learn more about protecting yourself and your family from tobacco here.


Ready to start living healthier? Use these tips today, and find countless more ideas at ShapeYourFutureOK.com.