

Living an active lifestyle can do so much for your overall health, yet many of us have no idea how, or where, to even start — and the benefits of regular movement often seem out of reach. Mike, a working dad in Edmond, found himself in a similar situation — juggling kids, work and daily life from sunrise to sunset and pushing physical activity to the back burner. Then, one day, he decided it was time for a challenge. He was going to move once a day, every day, for 30 days.

Let’s hear from Mike about how his journey went:

My goal was to do at least one session every day to get my body moving and hopefully improve by the end of it

Week 1:

Week one started my month-long exercise challenge. My goal was to do at least one exercise session every day to get my body moving and hopefully improve by the end of it. The first three days I ran, both outside and on a treadmill. I was pretty winded at the end of each run, but it felt good to move. Unfortunately, I missed day four, but I got back on the treadmill for a quick jog on day five. When my motivation tanked at the end of the week, I opted for daily walks while listening to my favorite podcast. I’m bummed to have missed a day so early in the challenge, but I’m proud of myself for jumping back in and moving, even when I didn’t want to.

Week 2:

This week started out a little rocky — I missed two days in a row. I made up for it the following day with a 50-minute weight training session (which I really enjoyed) and a one-mile run. I completed a few short workout sessions over my lunch breaks on busier days as well. They may not always be the most solid workouts, but I’m proud of myself for showing up.

They may not always be the most solid workouts but i'm proud of myself for showing up

Week 3:

I started the week off with a three-mile walk on the treadmill. It’s not my favorite way to work out, but it works with my schedule. Day two was one of my biggest days of the challenge. I walked three miles, weight trained for 45 minutes and ran one mile in 15 minutes. I was hoping for a faster time, but instead noticed that I no longer felt winded or tired at the end. I did miss day four but ended strong with some cardio and weight training.

I was hoping for a faster time but instead noticed that i no longer felt winded or tired at the end

Week 4:

This was the last week of my challenge, and I definitely saw progress. I missed a couple days, but I also realized how much I enjoy weight training. After almost a month of “figuring things out on my own,” I decided to push things a bit further. I downloaded an online workout program. It seems intense, but I’m excited to try different workouts and circuits even after this challenge is over.

the first time i noticed a significant change was when i walked up three flights of stairs at work and could immediately hold a conversation at the top.

Final Day:

I finished my challenge with my longest weight training session so far: 57 minutes! It felt good. I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made. I only missed eight days out of 30, and I pushed myself to move even when I didn’t want to. I definitely see and feel the improvements — I lost five pounds total, put on some muscle, can run longer distances without stopping and lowered my blood pressure by 15 points. The first time I noticed a significant change was when I walked up three flights of stairs at work and could immediately hold a conversation at the top. 30 days ago, I would’ve sucked all the air out of the room!

Exercising improves my mood, helps my anxiety and pushes me to WANT to eat healthy. I’ve learned healthier foods give me more energy so I’m not sluggish going into a workout. I definitely plan to build exercise into my schedule from here on out. It’s truly made my life better.

It's truly made my life better

Key Takeaways:

  • Progress over perfection. If you miss one day, or even two, pick up right where you left off! Don’t let one slip-up derail your hard work.
  • You may surprise yourself. There are so many ways to move — from running and yoga to weights and kickboxing. If you haven’t found joy in exercising, try something new!
  • Your goals may change. You may start your journey with a specific goal to run faster but find that you’re better at running longer. That’s still progress, and it’s great!
  • Every bit counts. If you only have five minutes to move, take advantage of it!

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