

With the new year approaching, you’re probably dusting off your sneakers and clearing out your pantry to make room for healthy resolutions and changes. After all, January is the perfect time for a healthy makeover! Resolutions are like promises we make to ourselves, and when families make them together, those promises can become even more special.

So, why not involve the whole family from the beginning? Here are a few tips to build healthy resolutions as a family.

Dream Up Resolutions Together

Dream Up Resolutions Together

When choosing a family resolution, it’s important to get input from the whole family, including the littles! Talk about your goals for the year, whether you’re trying new foods, walking every day or drinking more water. Make a plan that works best for the whole family; it may be the same goal for everyone or an individual goal for each family member.

When you’re choosing your goals, follow these habit-building tips to help them stick:

  1. Write down 1-3 goals.
  2. Take small steps.
  3. Be consistent.
  4. Ask for support.
  5. Don’t give up!

A Few Healthy Suggestions

A Few Healthy Suggestions

There are so many ways to make a healthy change. It can be overwhelming to choose just a few. Here are a few healthy ideas you can build into the new year:

  1. Ditch the sugar-sweetened beverages. If you drink a lot of soda, juice or sugary sports drinks, swap them out for water Curious about how much sugar you’re drinking? Check out our sugar calculator.
  2. Get active every day. Adults need 30 minutes of daily physical activity while kids need 60. This year, commit to move more! You don’t have to get a gym membership to cross this resolution off your list. Try living-room workouts, daily walks or kid-friendly exercises.
  3. Eat more veggies. A balanced plate means it’s half-full of fruits and veggies. This year, incorporate veggies into every meal. A good trick is to choose the veggie first and build the rest of the plate around it! You can even have your kids help with meal planning and cooking.
  4. Get better sleep. This year, unlock your best sleep yet! Sleep struggles look different for every family, so look at your current habits and set resolutions around them. If your kids are glued to the TV, set screen-time limits to improve their sleep quality. If you have some night owls on your hands, turn them into early birds with these tips.
  5. Quit tobacco. Being a good role model can spark a healthy change for your whole family. If you currently use tobacco, consider quitting this year. If you need help, the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline is a great place to start.

Healthy Rules To Follow

Healthy Rules To Follow

When it comes to healthy living, the goal is to build habits that last. Here are a few ways to help your kids grow into healthy adults:

  1. Understand your food. Try to avoid classifying foods as “good” and “bad.” Instead, talk about each food group and encourage moderation.
  2. Build trust. Accountability is a fun and effective tool for resolutions, but it’s also an important part of teaching your kids to think for themselves. Try letting them serve themselves at dinner, pack their own lunches or set their own TV timer. Letting go will help them continue their healthy habits once they’re grown.
  3. Eliminate “cheat” days. Ending every week with a sugar-loaded cheat day sounds fun, but it is not productive. Instead, treat every day the same and encourage balance.
  4. Don’t give up if you slip up. Some days will be easy, and some days will be hard. Remember: Resolutions can happen any time of year. Just try again tomorrow!


Change can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be! Building intentional goals, sticking to plans and encouraging each other can make your resolutions seem a little easier. It’s not about perfection; it’s about making healthy progress that will last a lifetime.